Project Management Office (PMO)

QBE has a solid base in engineering principles. From our founding we looked to combine that foundation with solid programmatic processes and a focus on achieving our customers goals. We understand the Federal Government and what is required to run a successful program and can put a team on the ground to ensure success.


We believe that our job when delivering a PMO service is to become an extension and force multiplier for our customers. We help them manage the intricacies of the technical solutions delivered as well as the complexities involved in working within the Federal Government. We believe ever person supporting the customer has a role to play and we ensure that all our staff have PMI training and are empowered to play a productive role on the team. We utilize industry leading process such as PMBOK and ISO to guide our delivery but don’t become beholden to a ridged framework of delivery. Our goal is to be agile and flexible to meet our customers’ needs and adjust quickly to changing requirements. We solve problems and deliver solutions.


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